Click for December Edition
SDN Editor’s Annual report
This year we have published 10 newsletters. 320 paper copies have been delivered by a faithful but ageing group of volunteers. It will be a priority for me next year to try and lessen the burden on some of our team. Jean Rowson who has been delivering newsletters from Snailbeach to The Black Hole for many, many years feels she can no longer continue and I join with all her customers in offering our gratitude for a job well done.
The SDN continues to be offered in an online version, which features a lot more colour than the paper one.
We receive over 200 views to our pages each month. As well as our newsletter in full colour format our site offers all the latest videos from Shropshire Wildlife, Shropshire Council News and traffic information.
This year I have kept the newsletter to the format I devised during Covid.
Regular features from The Church, Natural England, Our MP, Philip Dunne, Shaun Cullis, our community police officer and local councillor, Heather Kidd, appearing alongside local news, and articles from individuals and organised bodies. In between the adverts I usually include titbits of trivia often linked to a theme.
I would like to thank all our advertisers without whom we could not continue with this free service. They have enabled to maintain a 32 page newsletter with usually colour front and back on high quality paper.
I would also like to thank our printers SJF design and print for the prompt and quality service they provide.
Geoff Sproson Editor